Friday, August 28, 2009

Simple fried Tom Yam noodle

Simple fried Tom Yam noodle

Ingredient: Tom Yam paste, lemon grass, "Tai ko kam" leave, prawn, sugar, oil, water, garlic(finely chopped), onion(finely chopped), noodle

  • Cook the noddle according the instruction from the packet.
  • Heat some oil in a wok
  • Saute garlic and onion till fragant.
  • Add in prawn and stir fry till redish.
  • Add in lemon grass, "Tai ko kam" leave, sugar and Tom Yam paste. Stir fry till you smell the aroma.
  • Add in some water, noodle and stir fry.


  • Add in cabbage if you like vege.
  • Don't overcook the noodle as you will stir fry later on.
  • Don't add in too much water when you stir fry the noodle.

This dish is simple to cook. Less than 30mins you can get a delicious food.

Tempura powder & udon

Tempura powder & udon
This is the tempura powder and udon that i used to cook for my previous recepi. The tempura powder can used for several times and until now still not finish. I have try fried udon and make udon soup. Not bad.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Red bean soup(红豆水)

Red bean soup

Ingredient: Red bean, lump sugar/sugar, water


  • Wash the red bean.
  • Put the red bean into electronic stewed cooker for ~3-4 hours.
  • Add in lump sugar/sugar when it is almost ready.


  1. Add in pandan leaves will make the soup taste good.
  2. Add in black glutinous rice will make the soup more sticker if you like it.
  3. The portion if you use sugar will be less compare to lump sugar because sugar is much sweeter than lump sugar.
  4. I like use electronic stewed cooker for this dish as you don't need monitor on the fire.

This desert is very easy to make. It is cheap compare you buy it outside. You can serves more than 5 people with ~RM4-5 cost.

Friday, August 14, 2009




1、學會關門 即學會關緊昨天和明天這兩扇門,過好每一個今天,每一個今天過好,就是一輩子過好。

2、學會計算 即學會計算自己的幸福和計算自己做對的事情。計算幸福會使自己越計算越幸福,計算做對的事情會使自己越計算對自己越有信心。

3、學會放棄! 特別推薦一個非常好的詞,這就是"捨得"。記住,是"捨"在先,"得"在後。世界上的事情總是有"捨"才有"得",或者說是"捨"了一定會"得",而"一點都不肯捨"或"樣樣都想得到"必將事與願違或一事無成。



2、"不要緊!"即不管發生什麼事情,哪怕是天大的事情,也要對自己說:"不要緊"!記住,積極樂觀的態度是 解決任何問題和戰勝任何困難的第一步。

3."會過去的!"不管雨下得多麼大,連續下了多少天也不停,你都要對天會放晴充滿信心,因為天不會總是陰的 。自然界是這樣,生活也是這樣。 學會"三樂" "三樂"即:助人為樂、知足常樂、自得其樂。 進一步說就是在自己好的時候要多助人為樂,在自己過得一般的時候要知足常樂,而當自己處於逆境中時則要學會自得其樂。


1、不要拿別人的錯誤來懲罰自己。 現實生活中有許多人一不怕苦,二不怕死,再重的擔子壓不垮他,再大的困難也嚇不倒他,但是他受不起委屈 ,冤枉。其實,委屈、冤枉,就是別人犯錯誤,你沒犯錯誤;而受不起委屈和冤枉就是拿人的錯誤來懲罰自己。 懂了這個道理,再遇到種情況,對付它的最好辦法就是一笑了之,不把它當一回事。

2、不要拿自己的錯誤來懲罰別人。 當自己受到冤枉或不公正待遇後,也冤枉別人或不公正地對待別人。事實上當你傷害別人時,自己會再次受到傷害。

3、不要拿自己的錯誤來懲罰自己 何謂好人?我們認為,如果交給他(她)做10件事,他她)能做對7~8件,就是好人。顯然,這句話潛藏著另 外一層含意就是好人也會做錯事,好人也會犯錯誤。所以,好人做錯了事,一點都不要緊,犯了再大的錯誤也 不要緊,只要認真地找出原因,認真地吸取教訓,改了就好。

Thursday, August 13, 2009

EPF nomination

Recently i have received forward mail regarding EPF nomination. One of the latest info is as below. To confirm the right information, it is better we go to checkout ourselves.

Recently we have received numerous queries regarding an email that has been circulating in cyberspace on the failure of EPF nomination. According to that email, if you have nominated more than one person and if one of them dies before you, then your entire EPF nomination will be invalidated and if you didn’t make a fresh nomination, then the moneys will go to Amanah Raya.

This is not true. Please read the answer provided by the GM of Public Relations from EPF.

Actually this has already been brought to our attention by the Star Editor.

We have in fact sent our response to him which has been attached below for your reference.

If a member has more than one nominee and one of the nominees dies during the member's lifetime, only the portion that was bequeathed to the deceased nominee will be invalid.

Should the member later dies without updating his nomination, the other nominees will receive their portion accordingly. Only the portion that was bequeathed to the deceased nominee will be subject to procedures under 'EPF savings without nomination' in which the first priority for the right to claim the member's savings goes to the appointed administrator of the deceased member's estate.

Therefore it is not true that if you, as a member, have named more than one nominee, the entire nomination will be void if one of the nominee dies before you. It follows however that if you have named only one nominee and he or she dies before you, the nomination will be void unless a new beneficiary is nominated.

Please note that you don't have to produce the death certificate of a deceased nominee to change your nomination. You can change/update your nomination anytime by simply completing a new KWSP 4 (AHL) Form. This will automatically revoke any earlier nomination made.

The information concerning approaching EPF counter within 3 days to avoid EPF savings being 'surrendered to Amanah Raya' if no nomination is made or if nominee dies at the same time as the member is not true.

Depending on the amount of savings in the member's account, if there is no nomination the procedure will be as follows:-

If member's EPF savings are less than RM25,000:
* *Initial sum of RM2,500 will be paid to the next of kin.
* *The balance will be paid after a two-month period from the date of the member's death.

If member's EPF savings are more than RM25,000:
* *Initially a sum of RM2,500 will be paid to the next of kin.
* *The second payment (not more than RM17,500) will be paid to the next of kin after two months from the date of the member's death.
* *The balance of the savings will be paid upon submitting the Letter of Administration/Grant of Probate/Distribution Order/Faraid Certificate from the party that administers estates such as Amanah Raya Berhad or the Court or the Land Office, respectively. The process to obtain these documents is time-consuming and certain fees will also need to be paid. On the other hand, with nomination, no fees need to be paid.

This is precisely why nominating is very important. You should also ensure that you update your beneficiary whenever there is any major life changes such as marriage, additional new members or the death of a nominated beneficiary.

The explanation above should help you respond to members' queries on this issue. Please also help us forward this explanation to those who forwarded the email.

Thank you.

Nik Affendi Jaafar
General Manager, Public Relations, EPF
"Proud to be certified MS ISO 9001 : 2000"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


这则文章是从朋友forward mail 里看到。我想是很有意义。我以前還以為乾燥劑可以繼續保持藥品乾燥。 請大家告訴大家吧 !

和信醫院藥劑科組長姜紹青答覆、黃筱珮採訪 問:網路上有一則消息說:根據美國國家藥典( USP )規定,藥品一旦開罐,罐內所附的棉花和乾燥劑,就必須立刻丟棄,否則它們會因吸附水氣,成為藥罐內的一項污染源!我從未聽聞這項「常識」,還以為乾燥劑可以繼續保持藥品乾燥,請問這個說法是正確的嗎? 答:是的,藥罐內的棉花和乾燥劑,在開罐後就必須立刻丟棄 ! 否則可能吸附水氣,讓水氣留在藥罐內,反而易使藥品潮濕變質,而國人對這個常識相當缺乏。 藥罐未開封前,放置棉花的用意有二,一是避免運送過程的碰撞,讓藥品粉化,二是阻止水氣進入;乾燥劑則是防止若有少量水氣進入藥罐時,可將其吸附。但藥罐一旦開封,這兩個「幫手」反而會變成吸附水氣的「兇手」, ! 最好把它們丟掉,別繼續放在藥罐裡。 藥品怕光照、潮濕、高溫,一旦開封後,最好能夠放在乾燥箱內,是最理想的保存方式。最忌諱放在浴室、廚房等地方,這些潮濕的場所容易使藥品壞得快。有些民眾喜歡把藥品冰在冰箱內,不過,除非是強調需要冷藏的特殊藥品,一般藥品並不建議放冰箱;因一旦拿出來服用,忘了放回去,更容易潮濕。 還要提醒的是,藥品開封後最好盡速服用,不要長期存放。要注意的是,藥罐上標示的保存期限是「未開封」狀態下的期限,一旦開封後,保存期限就會 ! 縮短;因此,吃不完的藥別因為怕浪費而留下來,因為吃了變質藥品不但不會治病,還可能傷身。 常識 ! 你注意到了嗎? 根據美國國家藥典( USP ! )規定,藥品一旦開罐,罐內所附的棉花和乾燥劑,就必須立刻??棄否則它們會因吸附水氣,成為藥罐內的一項汙染源! 感謝朋友這項〝常識〞

Pro and Cons in confinement centre

Personally i do make assessment before i go to confinement centre. I don't regret on my decision that i make.

I really can rest and learn to take care my baby. Confinement centre do invite the government nurse come to visit baby and mother daily during first two weeks. You can clear your doubts through the profesional advice. Besides, i can share my problem, meet friends and exchange our experience with other mother in the confinement centre. It brights up my day. Well, my parent and parent in law also will not too tired taking care my baby and me during confinement.

There is always have cons in every pro. Decision make is depend on priority that you put. Certain facility in the confinement centre is not well maintain. I face the hot water is not flowing prompty everytime i open the tab in the confinement home that i stay. Besides, peak season will reduce their quality of service on taking care of baby. Sometime i don't like the style of certain confinement lady take care my baby. It is ok for me for a short period. I request them bring my baby to me during my 3rd and 4th week stay. The quality of food they prepare also consider normal and i still can accept it.
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