Sunday, July 18, 2010





配料:鸡胸脯肉150g,马蹄30g,枸杞子15g,鲜山药30g,陈皮4g,干黄花菜15g,生葱1根,生姜10g,大蒜2-3瓣,黄酒15ml,食油 20ml,淀粉15g,鸡蛋1粒,鸡汤50g,食盐3g。




1. 枸杞子洗净,放入小碗,入蒸笼蒸15分钟;马蹄、山药洗净、去皮,切小方丁,黄花菜洗净、泡发,切成小段;陈皮洗净、切丝,放入小碗,加滚鸡汤浸泡 20-30分钟备用;淀粉加水少许,拌成湿淀粉,鸡蛋打破,取蛋清备用;生葱去皮,洗净,切成葱花,生姜去皮,洗净,切成姜米,大蒜去皮,洗净,切成蒜米;鸡脯肉洗净、切小方丁,加入蛋清、黄酒、湿淀粉适量,搅拌浆匀后备用。

2. 锅内倒入食油适量,烧至五成热时,投入浆好的鸡丁,快速翻炒至肉熟后倒出备用。

3. 锅内再倒入食油适量,烧至五成热时,投入葱花、姜米及蒜米,炒香后,倒入山药、马蹄、黄花菜,快速翻炒至熟,然后将鸡丁倒回锅内,加入食盐、陈皮汁、鸡汤、湿淀粉等适量,继续快速翻炒至入味,即可盛出食用。




配料:猪蹄2只,花生150g,红枣 10粒,当归头6g,北芪15g,五味子5g,山楂10g,生葱1根,生姜15g,黄酒30ml,食盐3g。




1. 猪蹄治净,切成大块;花生洗净,拣去杂质及霉变颗粒;五味子洗净,拣去杂质;当归头洗净,切片,山楂、红枣、北芪洗净;生葱去皮,洗净,打结;生姜去皮,洗净,切成片备用。

2. 将猪蹄,花生,五味子,山楂,红枣,当归片,北芪及葱,姜等同放入钢锅或砂煲内,加入清水适量,采用大火煮滚后,用汤勺撇去浮污,然后加入黄酒,改用中小火慢炖1个小时左右,以肉烂汤浓为度。食前可加入食盐,酱油等适当调味。




配料:面线40-50g,豆腐30g,鲜山药30g,枸杞15g,陈皮3g,枸杞叶或菠菜30g,生葱1 根,生姜10g,鸡汤300g,酱油5ml,麻油10ml,食盐3g。




1. 豆腐洗净,切成小块;鲜山药去皮,洗净,切成丝;枸杞叶或菠菜拣去黄叶、老叶及杂质,洗净,切成小段或细丝;枸杞洗净,拣去杂质;陈皮洗净,切成细丝,放入小碗内,加入滚水少许,浸泡5-10分钟备用;生葱去皮,洗净,切成葱花,生姜去皮,洗净,切成细丝。

2. 将麻油倒入锅内,烧热后投入姜丝和少许葱花炒香,然后倒入豆腐、山药丝,翻炒片刻,盛出备用。

3. 将鸡汤倒入锅内,大火煮滚后下入面线,如常法煮之面熟,然后下入枸杞及枸杞叶(或菠菜碎),大火煮滚后倒入陈皮汁,加入食盐、酱油适当调味后即可盛出食用。


Friday, July 16, 2010

Eat more barley

Forward mail from friend.Good to know.

Barley high in fibre, barley is also a kidney cleanser. Better yet, regular intake of it helps prevent heart disease.

Barley is good for your intestinal health too. Try to eat the barley grains you find in your drink or sweet broth with fu chook (beancurd skin) and ginkgo nuts.

It's high in fibre which feeds the friendly bacteria in the colon and helps speed up the transit of fecal matter in it. In this way it helps prevent haemorrhoids and colon cancer.

The propionic acid and beta glucan from barley's insoluble fibre also help lower cholesterol and prevent the form at ion of gallstones.

Diabetics should eat more barley as the fibre will prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high. It also provides relief from constipat ion or diarrhoea for those suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Barley is rich in selenium which prevents cancer and relieves symptoms of asthma and arthritis. It is a good source of manganese, copper and phosphorous.

Malt sugar comes from sprouted barley which, when fermented , is an ingredient in beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Here's a recipe for barley soup:

Barley soup with roasted garlic
cup pearl barley
5 cloves whole garlic, roasted
2 litres chicken stock, steep ed from 1 chicken breast simmered in three litres water
2 tbsps vegetable oil
2 large onions, diced
2 carrots, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
150g turkey ham, cut up
1 tsp ground white pepper
1 tsps sea salt or to taste
1 tbsp chopp ed parsley

1. Wash barley and soak it in a bowl of w at er for three hours. Drain.

2. Heat oil in pan and fry onions Add carrots and celery, then the barley and fry for three minutes.

3. Add chicken stock, pepper and roast ed garlic and simmer over low he at for at least an hou r, or until barley is soft.

4. Add salt to taste and serve the soup garnish ed with chopp ed parsley.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ladies Period

Forward mail from friend. Would like to share out especially for ladies.

Ladies Period Caution
It has been a traditional theory that ladies are not suppose to wash their hair during their period.But there are no solutions to the question why?The victim will only realise at their later stage of their life,facing the symptoms of breast and ovary cancer.Today ladies still wash their hair during their period with the thinking that they will be safe if they blow dry their hair.But this will not prevent them from getting the cancer. 

During the research she found the method of prevention to these cancer.The secrets are;One must change their lifestyle and eating habits.Do not wash our hair while having period, do not wash your hair just for the cooling effect and contraction of ovary. Excessive bleeding must be investigated by a gynae. No cold drinks.

If you feel drowsy, breast expansion and constipation, these are the early symptom of ovary or breast cancer.To prevent use: Black sugar, Chinese lotus (leng ngau), Carrot and Barley, Boil to soup and drink. This is the best prevention.
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