Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cameron trip with 15 month baby

I just back from Cameron on 27th December. It was a wonderful trip for 2 days 1 night after i visited there last year. My baby also enjoy seeing the scenery.

My baby having diarrhea as i guest due to water or cold environment. Well, what i learnt was remember to bring more water to prepare milk and drink. I would advice cook the water when you in Cameron. We brought the hot water up there but due to different environment preasure, the hot water came out when we open it.

We departed from Nibong Tebal ~7pm reach Ipoh ~9am. We had a wonderful breakfast in Fu Shan Dim Sum. It was just a bit difficult to get place to be seated.

There were girls boutique opposite the Fu Shan Dim Sum which i manage to buy a dinner wear there. It consider cheap and i like the fashion there. What i know all the dress was come from Hong Kong and they had a few branches.

We continued our journey to Cameron and reach there ~12pm due to traffic jam during school holiday. It took ~2 hours to reach Cameron. My advice was if there were choice don't visit Cameron during peak season.

We stay in Equatorial Hotel and the location is strategy to visit Tea Farm, Orhid Farm, Bee Farm, Strawberry Farm, market and etc.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



* 右腦計算能力
* ESP能力: 心電感應, 透視力, 觸知力, 預知力, 念力.
* 直覺像(照片記憶)能力
* 絕對音感的能力
* 語言學習能力

* 以放鬆心情的方式來學習, 在無意識中, 就能發揮記憶效果.
* 語言學習: 以BGM的方式聽大量的生活會話, 一段時間後, 突然就會聽懂了.
* 一張一秒鐘的速度翻閱圖畫卡給新生兒看.
* 右腦教育是以大量輸入的方式, 不求記憶, 不求理解, 以機械式地重複進行,打開右腦迴路. 迴路打開後, 就能夠突然瞭解了.

* 2分鐘看10張點算卡, 100張圖畫卡
* 5分鐘玩ESP遊戲
* 30分鐘聽語言會話
* 5分鐘玩猜音遊戲
* 映像訓練

* 6歲時已完成大腦90%的成長
* 4歲時運動能力已固定78%
* 已豐富的語言教導
* 教導小孩重視朋友
* 以悠閒的心情育兒
* 採用暗示的方式
* 當哭泣時, 抱著嬰兒, 如播放錄音帶式地說: 不可以倔強任性而且愛哭哦!要溫柔, 乖乖地, 經常回答'是'.* 孩子較小時, 不可以責罵他. 最好的方法是放任不管, 讓孩子自己去面對一切.

* 無視其短處, 只注意其長處
* 不重視結果, 只重視努力, 進步的過程
* 溫和地包容孩子
* 不拿自己的孩子與其他孩子相比
* 強調每個人的個性
* 無條件地把孩子的表現視為100分

父母親在責罵孩子時, 可能會不容孩子辯解. 但是孩子受到責罵時, 也會封閉心靈.要盡量避免責罵孩子, 讚賞認同孩子的表現, 孩子才能敞開心靈, 對父母親說話.這麼一來, 才能充分瞭解孩子的心情.
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